No. 4 (1/2019) – Hegel, History and Us Download PDF TRIBUTE In memory of Francesco Saverio Festa P.O.I. Editorial Board EDITORIALHegel, History and UsLuigi Ruggiu OVERVIEWElements for an Analysis of the Current Relevance of Hegel’s ThoughtGianmarco Bisogno (Editorial Board Member) CONTRIBUTIONSIndividual, People, Sovereignty: Hegel and the Foundations of the Modern WorldEmiliano Alessandroni The Pattern of Reason and the Development of the Idea in History: A Re-Reading of Hegel’s LecturesRenato Trombelli Hegel: From the “Pure Life” to the Philosophy of HistoryFrancesco Valagussa “One’s own positing” (WL 205, 2-5). Infinite Causality as a Logical Determination and the Objective SpiritStefano Papa PHILOSOPHICAL PRACTICESRe-thinking Hegel. Interview with Alberto Burgio and Gennaro ImbrianoEd. by Gianmarco Bisogno ADDITIONAL SECTION: “PHILOSOPHY AND…”Artistic Practices and Philosophical Practices: Family Similarities and In-Between ExperiencesPiero Castellano BOOK REVIEWSIannucci, M. (2019). Libertà, politica e religione in Spinoza. Saggio sul Trattato teologico-politico e sul Trattato politicoReview by Alessio Lembo Parri, I. (2018). La magia nel MedioevoReview by Antonio Sordillo Pulli, G. (2018). Severino e Matte Blanco Review by Anna Erba