No. 1 (2017) - Migrantes Download PDF EDITORIALWhat Will Become of Philosophy in the 21st Century?Francesco Piro (Scientific Director) OVERVIEWEditorial NoteP.O.I. Editorial Board Abstracts CONTRIBUTIONSAustria, Vienna, Trieste: On the Jewish Emigration from Trieste to Eretz Israel between the Two World WarsSilva Bon The Challenge of Immigration to the Staying Power of Western DemocraciesFabio Ciaramelli Drops in the Sea. Crystals of Light. Desert Sands. Human Subjects’s Fragile Identities: the Ethics of the “Man in Revolt” and Meridian ThoughtGiusi Furnari Luvarà Media Culture or Culture of Media? The Certainties of Those who Know They Don’t KnowMarco Amalfi Nomadism and Hospitality. Anthropology and EthicsEmilio Baccarini ADDITIONAL SECTION: “PHILOSOPHY AND…” Reason and the Role of the Philosophy of Religion in the Globalized, Pluralized World Sergio Sorrentino BOOK REVIEWSCastelli, A. (2015). Il discorso sulla pace in Europa 1900-1945Review by Raffaele Ciccone Vannini, M. (2015). All’ultimo papa. Lettere sull’amore, la grazia e la libertàReview by Giuseppe Palermo Martinetti, P. (2017). Spinoza (F.S. Festa, Ed.)Review by Margherita Esposito