No. 2 (1/2018) - Public and Philosophy Download PDF EDITORIALPhilosophy and Us Daniela Calabrò (Scientific Committee Member) OVERVIEW Methods, Practices, and Public of Philosophy Fiorenza Manzo (Editorial Board Member) CONTRIBUTIONSPhenomenomenology, Neurosciences, and the Extended Mind. What Is the Right Attitude Towards “Neuromania”?Maria Chiara Bruttomesso Philosophical Practices in Italy. Orientations and Perspectives from the Origins to the Present DayLuca Nave Start-up. Innovation PhilosophyGiacomo Pezzano Is Philosophy a Public Matter? “Mediality” and “Mediaticity” of the Philosophical DiscourseAlessandro De Cesaris – Francesco Striano Philosophy for Children: Philosophical Practice or Methodological-Didactic Innovation?Vincenza Merlino ADDITIONAL SECTION (PHILOSOPHY AND…)Re-thinking the Notion of “Person” TodayRosaria Caldarone PHILOSOPHICAL PRACTICESPhilosophy and Children An account by Carlo Maria Cirino On the “Borgo dei filosofi”. Interview with Angelo Antonio Di GregorioEd. by Alessio Lembo BOOK REVIEWSLotto, B. (2017). Percezioni. Come il cervello costruisce il mondoReview by Alessandro D’Ursi Antognazza, M.R. (2015). Leibniz. Una biografia intellettuale (S. Di Bella, Trans.)Review by Fiorenza Manzo Brewer, T. (2018). Non so di non sapere. Revisioni semiserie alla filosofiaReview by Nazareno Pastorino